Isaac Hassan Unite Their Lights 5784

Isaac Hassan Unite Their Lights 5784

I am proud to be a part of my school's 'Unite their lights' fundraising campaign, in which we ask you to sponsor our learning of Seder Moed over Chanuka.

All learning can be dedicated for the safety of the soldiers/hostages or refua, zivug, hatslacha, parnassa of loved ones etc.

We are very grateful for your generous support.

Goal: £500.00
93.00% Raised
£465.00 donated
16 Donors
XX Days Left

8 thoughts on “Isaac Hassan Unite Their Lights 5784”

  1. Family Nadav

    So proud of you, Isaac. You combine Torah and derech eretz. Keep it up!

  2. Kellie & Daniel Hassan

    Well done Isaac!!! Lots of love Auntie Kellie and Uncle Daniel

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